Conductors' Academy: Masterclass

Conductors' Academy: Masterclass

Conductors’ Academy 2022/23 (Foto: Frédéric Meyer)

Conductors' Academy: Masterclass

Mon 26. May 2025 10.00 Grosse Tonhalle
Mon 26. May 2025 13.45 Grosse Tonhalle
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich
Paavo Järvi Music Director
Martin Frutiger Englischhorn
Teilnehmer*innen der Conductors' Academy
Auswahl aus folgenden Werken:
Giuseppe Verdi Ouvertüre zu «Nabucco»
Pēteris Vasks «Elegy I» und «Folk Music» aus dem Konzert für Englischhorn und Orchester
Pjotr I. Tschaikowsky Sinfonie Nr. 3 D-Dur op. 29 «Polnische»
Josef Strauss «Mein Lebenslauf ist Lieb' und Lust!», Walzer op. 263
Organizer Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich AG

How detailed must the instructions to an orchestra be? How do you create a good tonal balance? And how do you signal delicate transitions? The Conductors' Academy, in which Paavo Järvi teaches young conductors tips and tricks of the trade for the fifth time, deals with questions like these. The Academy programme includes a wide variety of works. And after the final coaching session, it will be decided who will conduct which of them at the end of the programme.

Supported by the Freundeskreis Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich - exclusive project partner
Board and lodging for the academy participants supported by Ruth Burkhalter