COOL-TUR autumn holiday programme: Fantastic worlds

COOL-TUR autumn holiday programme: Fantastic worlds

Illustration: Jil Wiesner & Kezia Stingelin

COOL-TUR autumn holiday programme: Fantastic worlds

Mon 07. Oct 2024 09.00 Vereinssaal

Fantastic worlds – sound & text
Mon 07 - Fri 11 Oct 2024, 09.00 - 16.00 each day

What texts are created in our own dream valleys and fantasy worlds? What does it sound like when we compose music with everyday objects and instruments? What happens when we bring text and music together? Together we want to write, compose and create fantastic worlds of sound and words during the first week of the autumn holidays. We will bang on the drums, gently pluck harps and write. Finally, your texts and musical explorations will be brought to the stage in a word-sound performance for your families and friends. We look forward to seeing you and your fantastic ideas.

The autumn holiday programme is aimed at children aged between 9 and 13.

Organiser and registration: Verein

In collaboration with JULL Junges Literaturlabor