International Organ Days Zurich - "Reflections" Improvisation & Composition
International Organ Days Zurich - "Reflections" Improvisation & Composition
Dirk Elsemann Orgel
Thomas Lacôte Orgel
Dirk Elsemann Improvisation
Thomas Lacôte «Alluvions en flamme»
Rudolf Lutz Improvisation(en) über Motive aus BWV 544
Thomas Lacôte Improvisation
Max Reger Toccata und Fuge d-Moll aus op. 129
Dirk Elsemann Improvisation
Thomas Lacôte «Etude de transparence» für Orgel vierhändig (mit Tobias Willi)
Dirk Elsemann Improvisation
Thomas Lacôte Improvisation
Johann Sebastian Bach Chaconne d-Moll BWV 1004 (improvisierte Bearbeitung von Rudolf Lutz)
Unterstützt von der Accordeos Stiftung
Unterstützt von der Stiftung SYMPHASIS, Zürich
Three internationally renowned organists, both in the field of improvisation and as performers, enter into a fascinating musical dialogue between composed and improvised music in different styles.
The International Organ Days were conceived by concert organist Prof. Christian Schmitt, in consultation with Dr. Hans-Peter Fricker, President of the Friends of the new Zurich Tonhalle Organ. They will be curated by Christian Schmitt and Prof. Tobias Willi in 2023.
Order your organ pass for all five concerts here
Find out more about the Organ Days here.