Chamber Music Matinee

Chamber Music Matinee

Chamber Music Matinee

Sun 04. Feb 2024 11.15 Kleine Tonhalle
Haika Lübcke Flöte, Piccolo
Sarah Verrue Harfe
Elisabeth Harringer-Pignat Violine
Ewa Grzywna-Groblewska Viola
Paul Handschke Violoncello
Gabriel Pierné «Voyage au pays du Tendre» nach M. de Scudéry für Flöte, Violine, Viola, Violoncello und Harfe
Tōru Takemitsu «And then I knew 'twas Wind» für Flöte, Viola und Harfe
Daniel Schnyder «Marsyas and Apollo» für Piccolo und Harfe
Jean Cras Quintett für Harfe, Flöte, Violine, Viola und Violoncello


04. Feb 2024, 11.00 Uhr
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kinder- und Jugendtheater Metzenthin.
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten.
Mehr Informationen zur Kinder-Matinee finden Sie hier.

Prices CHF 40
Organizer Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich AG
Programme Notes
Kammermusik-Matinee 04. Feb 2024

"In the River" is the theme of the chamber music matinees this season. In keeping with this, our musicians around Haika Lübcke have put together a programme in which water flows through the entire programme. In "Voyage au Pays du Tendre", Gabriel Pierné was inspired by Madame de Scudéry's "Carte du Tendre". This metaphysical map is about the true nature of love and affection, represented by two rivers. In Toru Takemitsu's "And then I knew 'twas Wind", the air current flows, both in the natural world and in the soul, a world of the unconscious. According to Greek legend, Daniel Schnyder has "Marsyas and Apollo" play music together in a contest that ends with the satyr being hung on a spruce tree by the winner, Apollo, so that his blood becomes the river Marsyas. Water also plays a special role for the composer of the last work, who wrote his quintet for the delicate instrumentation of harp, flute and string trio: Jean Cras had risen to the rank of rear admiral in the French navy. He always carried a piano on board his ships to "obey an inner voice" that inspired him to compose.

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