Cosmos Chamber Music: Quatuor Ébène

Cosmos Chamber Music: Quatuor Ébène

Quatuor Ébène (Foto: Julien Mignot)

Cosmos Chamber Music: Quatuor Ébène

Sun 09. Jun 2024 17.00 Kleine Tonhalle
Quatuor Ébène
Pierre Colombet Violine
Gabriel Le Magadure Violine
Marie Chilemme Viola
Yuya Okamoto Violoncello
Xavier Tribolet Live Elektronik
"Waves: Acoustic meets electronic"
Prices CHF 85 / 55 / 30
Organizer Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich AG
Programme Notes
Kosmos Kammermusik: Quatuor Ébène
News & Geschichten
Music under power

The French ensemble Quatuor Ébène is constantly reinventing itself. On the occasion of its 20th stage anniversary, it recorded Beethoven's string quartets in an international project on six different continents. So they are looking for new approaches to tradition and are always inspired by other musicians who invite them to join them. The Belgian Xavier Tribolet, expert for drums and synthesizer, is one of them. In "Waves: Acoustic meets electronic", a promising mixture of Fauré, Messiaen, Pärt, Monk, Ellington, Mingus, Shorter and Aphex Twin takes place. In this exchange, a poet of electronic waves is joined by one of the most renowned quartets in the world.

Translated with DeepL.com