tonhalleCRUSH – classic meets Brazil
tonhalleCRUSH – classic meets Brazil
Paavo Järvi Music Director
Golda Schultz Sopran
Tanya König Moderation
Richard Octaviano Kogima Klavier
Richard Strauss «Vier letzte Lieder» für Sopran und Orchester
classic meets Brazil
Live-Musik im Konzertfoyer mit Musiker*innen des Tonhalle-Orchesters Zürich
Filipe Johnson, Violine
Mattia Zappa, Violoncello
Richard Octaviano Kogima, Klavier
Carlos Assunção, Perkussion
Ricardo Vieira, Arrangements
RAD-WM in Zurich from Sat 21 - Sun 29 Sep 2024
Please note our adjusted concert times.
Due to the World Cycling Championships, there may be travel restrictions.
An early work by Anton Webern, a late one by Richard Strauss: in this tonhalleCRUSH, two composers meet at different stages of their lives. And very different artists: Music Director Paavo Järvi will talk about the works in this moderated short concert. The South African soprano Golda Schultz, who usually performs mainly on the opera stage, will sing Strauss' "Four Last Songs", a touching work of farewell. Afterwards, the foyer belongs to our musicians, who will once again go far beyond the classical repertoire. This time under the motto "classic meets Brazil".