Die Asientournee in Bildern
In China, Taiwan and South Korea, we met enthusiastic fans and gigantic concert halls.
Vom 24. Oktober bis 3. November 2018 waren wir in Asien unterwegs.
Was wir auf Tournee alles erlebt haben, erfahren Sie hier in der Bildstrecke, im Video oder auf Simon Styles' Blog.
Part 1: Beijing
Two weeks in a confined space with little free time welds us together. We couldn't have got off to a better start with the designated chief conductor and music director Paavo Järvi.
Over 600,000 people followed the concert in Beijing live online. There is no fear of contact with new media and the high life of artists.
Part 2: Shanghai, Taipei and Seoul
We travelled on by bus, train and plane and thanked our colleagues who had meticulously
meticulously prepared everything for months. Not an easy story for 114 travellers.
Seven concerts, four cities, old and new halls, an open air in summer temperatures, a constant challenge also for our technicians.
The Jubilee Tour to Asia is sponsored by Clariant International Ltd., Patrons` Association, Max Kohler Stiftung, Pro Helvetia und die Georg und Bertha Schwyzer-Winiker-Stiftung as well as generous donations of two other foundations.