Faith Ringgold, Jazz Stories: Mama Can Sing, Papa Can Blow #3 and #8, 2004, Courtesy: ACA Galleries
classic meets art

Zurich Art Weekend

Musicians of the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich perform musical interventions at the Kunsthaus Zürich

In tribute of the legacy of artist and activist Faith Ringgold (1930–2024), musicians of the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich play short works by some of the most important African American classical composers, who like Ringgold, were strongly inspired by the Harlem Renaissance – one of the most important intellectual and artistic movements in 20th century American history, which influenced art, literature and music in a way that changed the American cultural landscape forever.

When: June 9, 2024, 11.00 – 11.15 and 14.00 – 14.15
Where: Kunsthaus Zürich, Chipperfield Foyer
Open to everyone, no ticket needed


  • Irina Pak, violin
  • Amelia Maszonska, violin
  • Juan Carlos Escobar, viola
  • Alexander Neustroev, cello
  • Kateryna Tereshchenko, piano

Introductions by: Raphael Gygax, Curator-at-Large for Kunsthaus Zürich and Dr. Ulrike Thiele, Head of Dramaturgy at Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich

With works by Florence B. Price, William Grant Still und Harry T. Burleigh.

published: 28.05.2024